Misha Maltsev, DJ, Journalist
Misha Maltsev comes from Pokrovsk in the Republic of Sakha, Siberia. Before moving to London in 2000 he was involved with the organisation of the TABYK music festival, producing a variety of alternative and world music radio programmes for Sakha State Radio and independent stations, publishing a music fanzine and working with local musicians.
As well as freelancing for the BBC through radio contributions and documentary programme making, he is also one of London's most eclectic DJs. His film journeys include a Siberian winter expedition on a husky dog sled team and more recently a trek in the jungles of Laos to film the Hmong rebels. Misha is currently studying for his MA in ethnomusicology at the School of Oriental and African Studies
Stepanida Borissova is an extraordinary singer from Sakha (Yakutia) in North-Eastern Siberia. The Sakhans are an ancient Asian people, long conquered by Russia, whose culture is deeply rooted in shamanism. They see themselves as one of the last outputs of a pantheist, non-Westernised culture where there is no > separation between culture and nature - where sound and voice belong to both. Stepanida Borissova is also Sakha's most renowned exponent of folk theatre. In this duo program she improvises over the nature based soundscapes created by Misha Maltsev.